About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I got the movie Twilight, and then this book called Twlight Directors Notebook, and then I got a shirt with Edward and Bella on it!!!!! I LOVE TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

My brother also got Bolt, and he watched it 3 times already! Once in theaters, and twice at home. He he. I watched Twilight twice in theaters. Once with Emma and my family, and then once with just my mom. We adore Twilight. Well, I've got to get ready for school! Bye!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Castles and Coasters

On Wednesday I went to Castles and Coasters with Aleese. It was so much fun!!! I loved the Desert Storm (rode it 8 times) the Sea Dragon (rode it twice) the Sky Diver (rode it once) the Magic Carpet (rode it 3 times) Splash Down (3 times). I loved the loops and fast banked turns on the Desert Storm, and the way your stomach felt on the Sea Dragon and Sky Diver, and I loved the speed and the way you were crushed against the other people in your cart on the Magic Carpet, and the way you felt as if you were going to crash and die and the way your stomach felt on Splash Down. (as with Sea Dragon and Sky Diver) Me and Aleese enjoyed raising our hands up like dorks on our way up the hills on the two roller coasters (especially Desert Storm) then putting them down and screaming our heads off the rest of the ride (also Desert Storm). Aleese couldn't scream and was sad but I told her to cheer up because at least she was having a good time. On Splash Down on our last ride, Aleese sat in the very front of our log, and on the hills she got so wet! She looked like she wet her pants! It was so very funny!
We ate amazingly good fries (when you go there (again or first time) you need to try them) and sat going mmmmmmm....... on them. I was the first one to eat one, and she said that there was a heck of a lot of fries and then I bit one and was like, Oh my gosh, eat one. and when she ate one, she understood and was thankful for the large quantity of heavenly fries.

This lady was smoking in a narrow place where kids had to walk by, and my mom said 'you know, that's really rude' and then she started fighting with my mom (verbally not physically) and said 'you're being rude' and my mom said 'I'M being rude?' and when my mom started to walk away, the lady said 'bite me' and my mom turned around and said 'really? do you REALLY want me to bite you?' She was SUCH an idiot! (the lady not my mom. I love my mom) Later, when my mom was getting on the Desert Storm, the lady was walking toward her with her chubby, thinks-he's-tough-when-he's-really-a-wimp boyfriend. My mom just looked at her, just looked at her and then she started making out with her thinks-he's-tough-when-he's-really-a-wimp boyfriend and feeling him. My mom just looked away. Isn't that lady just so stupid??? And irritating??? I think so!!!

We went to the Arcade too. We spent most of the time playing The Simpsons Pinball (me Aleese and my mom). But we played other pinball games too. Me and Aleese were on one machine, and my mom, dad, and little brother Justus were on another. It was so fun!!!

Besides that incident with the rude lady my Wednesday was absolutely awesome! And I'm so glad that I could share my amazing day with my best friend Aleese. We got pictures in a photo booth there. Lolz. We were weird in most of them!!!!!!! But that's just how we are. And we don't care if you like it or not. Well, got to go. Love you all!!!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Science Camp is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!!! I am in a cabin with Aleese, Mikaela Niimi, and Kaleigh. I don't know who else, but, I'll find out tomorrow morning!
I am not going to be able to sleep tonight! But, if I wake up, I will go right back to sleep because I'm not getting up until the sun is up, and I know I won't have to wait long to go to school! I'm leaving at like, 8:10-8:15, and I MIGHT go to Walgreens and get Aleese a Twix bar because she was gone all this week, and I want to let her know that I've missed her, and I want to make her Wednesday even better! (Like I could!)

I have everything ready to go, except for my tooth brush, tooth paste, face cleaning stuff, and wrists braces. I have to wear wrist braces to bed, because my mom thinks I'm getting carpal tunnel, and she says I can prevent that from putting these on every night because she thinks I curve my wrists when I sleep-which I do-. I'm pumped! Almost everyone in the sixth grade is going. I am going to take many pictures, and videos with my camera on the bus, and at camp! I will post the pictures on here.

I am so bored, and excited. American Idol is on, but time is passing REALLY slowly! I think I might go on myspace, because I seem to loose track of time on there, and time passes fast. So, I'm going to play some computer games! Keep coming here!!!!!!


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tim Hawkins

Tonight me and my family were lucky enough to see Tim Hawkins in CONCERT!!!! He came to our church AGAIN!!!! (his 3rd time. He must like our church!) We got 3 DVD's, one signed by him - we got him to sign it. It wasn't signed before hand in their, mass production autographing things- and 1 CD. He was so funny! I am so glad we went! He picked up our pastor, and carried him for a bit! And he picked up this other kid, and- it was just awesome! You had to be there to understand the full funniness of it. Here are some pics. Sorry I didn't get any pics of him, he was just so funny, that I didn't get the chance.

On our way to the concert.

*gasp*! I'm seeing Tim Hawkins in concert?!?!?!?!?!

So happy

Peace Out Dudes

Rock On

Tim Hawkins at EVBC for 1 night and 1 night only.

So, my saturday was pretty awesome!!! Post later! Bye!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Science Camp

Science Camp is coming up! It's on Wednesday, and I am so excited!!!! I'm packing on Tuesday, and I might not get much sleep, because I'm going to be so excited.
We are leaving for Science Camp on Wednesday, at 9:00. We will be eating a sack lunch at the camp, then going into our cabins. I hope in with either Aleese, Narissa, or Emma! That would be awesome! We will be doing all types of activities, like a hike, and other activities. (at the meeting it said archery, and I hope we get to do that! That would be so cool!!!)
Well, I've got to go put my makeup on, and straighten my hair, so, I'll write more later!

(In math on tuesday we watched Beverley Hills Chihuahua, and in Language Arts on Wednesday, we watch Kung Fu Panda! They were so awesome!!!)
