About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Week

My week has been pre-tty cool.

Wednesday- Powerhouse, 1/2 day, Volleyball game, last day of school- Lots of people cried, and there are many friends that I am never going to see ever again. I was one to cry, and so was Narissa and Aleese and Emma.

Thursday- Relaxing day. Watch The Day The Earth Stood Still (not a very good movie).

Friday- Bible Study

Saturday- Relax, lunch at Old Chicago (AWESOME!!!) and Sleepover at Kierstynns btw, I've got to go pack so yeah this will end soon.

My 13th birthday party is June 13. Saturday. The Monday b4 the 13th is my birthday, June 8. We leave for vacation with my Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jeff on the 18th to the 23rd and Jordan and Rachyl come to visit on the 28th. So my summer is going to be pretty awesome too. Well, gotta get ready. I will blog later!!!

P.S- Sorry for not blogging for so long!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Frog Dissection

Today we wrapped up our frog dissection. The body cavity of Lykitee (our frog. Taylor named it:P) was completely empty! We took out the Liver, the Heart, the Lungs, the Kidneys, the Stomach, the Large Intestine, the Small Intestine, the Gallbladder, the Spleen, the Fat Bodies, the Eggs, the Abdominal and Leg muscles. It was a really great experience for me. One of my dream jobs is a Coroner. I could help solve crimes, and get to learn more about the body, AND use big long words! Lol!!! We had to touch everything too!
The egg tracts were really getting in the way, so I took them out. It took a while, but I got them, and all the eggs out. It was really fun!
Also, I made a picture video thing. It's really awesome!!! We are going to adopt kids next year. My parents have to take the course, and fill out lots of papers, and do a bunch of stuff. I even have to fill out a form I think! Well, I've got to go write the skit for me and Aleese's Language Arts project. BYE!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I've been pretty busy. Ms. Gardner has been giving us homework every night-which I have forgotten to do every night- and I had to study for my science dissection. I passed the test, and we have already cut the frog open and have taken out the liver, and the stomach and a few eggs. There are SO MANY EGGS in our frog! It'll take a whole period or more just to get the eggs all out. Some people in other classes gagged and almost threw up! I think that I would make a good nurse because seeing all of the organs in the frogs body didn't make me feel sick. Even opening up the stomach had no effect on me! Lolz. I want to show you this emoticon that I love so much!!!
It's a kitty cat!!!

Lol! Well, I have got to go do my homework, so, bye!!!