About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Friday, August 5, 2011

New Pets???

I bought myself two new pets. What pets you ask? PARAKEETS!! They have blue chests, and are super adorable! I named them Fred and George after the Weasley twins from Harry Potter;) Best names possible!! I just had to buy two, because they were always right next to each other, and if I'm at school all day, and doing homework, I don't want the one to be lonely. I DO want them to bond with me, so of course in a week or so, I will take one out at a time and hold them, and I will constantly talk to them, keep them fed and happy, and make them as comfortable as possible:)

Well, I better go, my favorite shows on;)

Love you all!!

Gonna be a great day tomorrow at the Chandler Mall!! Going there with Gage Gist and my mother, and I'm going to go to get new laces and more pins for my backpack!

School starts Monday, and I don't really want to go back...waking up early isn't really my thing. Still have to get used to feeding and watering Fred and George every morning, and cleaning the poop tray nightly.

Okay, I'm REALLY going to go now!!

Love you all;)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Driver 3 R@P3??

Check it out;)

Summer is Coming to a Close...

How wonderful! (not). I went to Freshman Orientation, and they FORCED us to meet TOTAL STRANGERS and be weird freaks in front of them. How are we supposed to make friends that way?!?! Who knows...

Anyway, my friend is coming over in like, fifteen minutes, so I better go...my hair has been neglected this morning, so I better tend to it...darn it. Oh well! Gotta do myself UPP partially. Makeup isn't an issue with her. I'm still in my PJ's, but that doesn't matter. If I got dressed I would end up in them anyway. I just have to hook up my radio/CD player so we can jam out. AANNDD make my bed. Just cuz;) So bye! I'm going to go enjoy the last 5 days of my summer!

BTW: The day count was 5 days before they FINALLY stopped ignoring me. Pathetic huh? Oh well. Going to the mall with them on Saturday! Hopefully coming to Fuel with me tonight. Cross your fingers!

I'm going to go now. BYE!!