About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today and Night.

So, today was a pretty funny day!!

1.) Telling someone they had appeared in my dreams 3-4 times this week, then Montana coming up and saying, 'DID YOU TELL HIM ABOUT THE HAIR?!?!' No, no I did not....
2.) Getting caught looking at someone, and having them do a double take like, 3 times, and then smiling back and forth at each other, each one getting more and more creepy and dorky;) And later making 'flirty' faces across the room at each other (more like dorky flirty faces!!) Cody makes me laugh xD
3.) Amber saying 'yesterday night' while describing a story.
4.) Looking at 'ancient pornography' on Montana's Kindle (really an old greek painting or whatever.)
5.) Phoenix and Montana's divorce dispute xD
6.) Swearing my head was hurting from smelling Montana's chapstick I had put on by turning my lip up (Then Montana declared that this stuff was probably going to make me high, to which I replied, IT HAS NO TOXIC MATERIALS!! IT'S PERFECTLY DIDDLY DO OKAY!!)
7.) Walking in to one of my birds hanging half-upside-down in their cage...
8.) Playing Split Second and destroying 6 PEOPLE in ONE POWER PLAY!!
9.) Realizing how out of hand my room has gotten over spring break...so many clothes on the floor...
10.) Realizing I haven't texted Israel since the 8th...not as funny as the others...

ANYWAY, tonight is the Powderpuff game (girls play football, boys cheer.) And I am ACTUALLY going!! Picking up Elle, might meet Amber there, going to hang out, laugh it out, and have fun!!

Well, my birds are talking, my stomachs yelling, and my phones is beeping, so I had better go!!

<3 you all :)

Stay Beautiful

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Okay, This Has Got To Stop.

All these, months without posting on here, when this is bookmarked right inbetween Twitter and Tumblr....It feels good to type out everything and post it! So why don't I do it more often? I'll never know...


I was in FKL at my school, but that's over. The afterparty was awesome! We watched Tangled, and I took one of my awesome friends Israel home (who had taken my fuzzy, warm blue blanket for most of the night. Next time, bring a jacket!! xD). All in all, it was a good, but cold, night.

I went winter clothes shopping, and bought two new jackets, one lighter and one heavier, and I bought 3 pullover sweaters, and a pair of yoga pants (because every girl needs a pair!).

Today I am going to hang out with my friends Aleese and some others (If Aleese ever gets around to calling me back...) and then possibly having a sleepover with my friend Amber tonight. I need to go see a movie sometime this week so I can write a review on it for my journalism class, so we'll see how that goes. I want to go see that movie Dream House with a couple of friends. Maybe me and Amber can see it?? (**hopeful face**)

Anyway, I'm reading 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King now. Should be a good book! Long, heavy, full of stuff I don't know yet, plus Stephen King writes some pretty good stuff!!

Well, I'm going to go get cracking on that book!


I will try to post more often now...it's been hard lately.