About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Saturday, March 31, 2012


I really want a love with an infinity sign tattoo on my left ring finger.

A purple infinity sign behind one of my ears (haven't decided. Probably my left.)

The words "I stand here today, so far from the same" on either my upper back or wrapped around my right wrist.

The words "Born Again" with a ripped up cocoon in the bottom right part, and a butterfly flying away in the top right corner.

An anchor on SOME part of my body that won't get all stretched out as I grow up (probably my upper right arm, near my elbow, on the inside.) with the words 'just keep swimming' or We're all sinking on it.

Jeremiah 29:11 on my rib cage.

What do you guys think? Which tattoos should I get? Which tattoos shouldn't I get? (if you don't want me to get one I won't be all snobby about it, I just need more opinions. I'm hoping to get one or two on my sixteenth birthday, if my dad decides its okay. I would get the ring finger and the one behind my ear done first, and then do the anchor. Me and Amber were going to get our wrist tattoos done at the same time, then I was going to get my words on my arm/back tattooed. I think a feather down my entire spinal column would look cool, but take too long and look too awkward.)

Stay Beautiful(:

Sunday, March 18, 2012


OMG last night was AMAZING! First, we stood in line for over an hour to meet RED and I got their autographs on two t-shirts, and Anthony noticed that my jacket was one that I had to order online, so he knows I'm a REAL fan(; and Michael is SO FREAKING SHORT!!

First band up was Kiros, from Canada and they were sooo good! And they had the cutest personalities! They joked about Canada, and said 'you can have him! we don't want him back!" about Justin Bieber. After the show they had cardboard boxes by the exit they were holding up that said 'we need gas money, you need our new CD, wanna trade?' THEY ARE SO ADORABLE!

The second band that played was Nine Lashes, and they were AMAZING! I bought their bracelet and earrings that look like guitar picks(; Their guitarist was SO COOL and ANIMATED! Even though they spit on us with water, they were AMAZING!!

Third was Manafest. His guitarist was ATTRACTIVE and me and my mom photo stalked him(; then I got a picture with them afterwards, and got all their autographs, and I stood between him and Travis, and Travis was talking in a Russian accent and being all cute and junk, and Manafest himself was adorable. He asked my name and how to spell it and all that jazz, then he asked how I liked the show and we talked for a bit. When I told him how to spell my name, Travis said 'I'm Travis, T-R-A-V-I-S!' in his Russian accent. He was so adorable! The cute guitarist didn't talk, he was kinda shy-like. THAT MADE HIM CUTER!


There were like, pipes and gears that turned behind them for the stage, and Joe was at his drums above all the other players, level with the stage gears and pipes. Then Randy was right in front of me, Michael in the middle, and Anthony on stage right. We were FRONT ROW RIGHT AT THE GATE YES YES YES!! Michael locked eyes with me and we sang a few words of a song together, and Randy locked eyes with me and played while I sang along for a song! It was AWESOME!

Joe had this epic guitar solo at one part, and it was to like remixed songs, dubstepped stuff, and it was AMAZING!! He is so freaking talented! Joe and Randy are my babies(: Joe, Randy, and Anthony have amazing tattoos, but I like Joe's and Randy's best(:

At the end, me and my mom went pee, and I saw the lead singer to Nine Lashes in the Castles and Coasters place, but my mom had to pee so bad that I didn't get a picture with him! D:

Then we went and I bought my Nine Lashes and Manafest bracelets, and the Manafest poster I had them sign(:

I was SO GLAD that we went!

RED was constantly cracking open water bottles and spraying them into the audience, then throwing the caps and bottles into the audience. At the end, a fan threw a box of Cheez-Its at Anthony, and he laughed and then handed it to Randy who ripped it open and threw the Cheez-Its in the crowd xD I had SO MANY crumbs in my hair! They also threw a bunch of guitar picks in the audience. It was the best concert I have ever been too<3

David Glosser is still on my mind. I love him so much, and I'm SO GLAD I saw him bussing tables at Red Robin<3

Okay, I'm going to go read a book and Tumblr all night long. Hoping to hang out with a friend and watch movies tomorrow, but probably won't, cuz Emma has school, and Amber has been weird lately. Anyway. Bye!

Stay Beautiful(:

Saturday, March 17, 2012


I met David Glosser at Red Robin today. I had another worker go get him for me, and then we talked a bit, hugged, got two pictures, talked more, hugged again, and he went on about his business(: SOOOOOOOOOO freaking happy! My mom left him a note. It said "We <3 you David! -Jaina Popken add me on Twitter and Facebook" she's so silly but I love her(: Good thing I decided to put on makeup!!

Well, now its time to do some hair and make up touch ups and prep myself for the RED concert!! Getting to meet a BUNCH of band members today!

It's a wonderful life(:

My mom thinks David was looking at me a bunch. She thinks it would be hilarious if we ended up dating. I think so too, but it would be amazing and wonderful (and so far fetched).

Stay beautiful(:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Break So Far

I haven't done much. Me and Emma dyed shirts and they look okay, and I went to the Science Center, I'm painting my nails tomorrow, and I'm hoping to get my mom to take me out shorts shopping at Ross today *maybe*! Saturday is the day that everything's gonna happen,

I'm going to a yard sale for a girl who died tragically, and we are going to buy some of her clothes. I also have that RED CONCERT TO GO TO!!!

Suppppeeeeerrr excited!!! Imma be a VIP!!!

Anyway, I'm going to go ask my mom about shorts shopping right nowww....before I publish this!

I went!! And I got two pairs of shorts (one bright blue and one red) and a tank top with mini roses all over it, and it matches the red shorts!(I wasn't sure if I had a shirt to match them, so I bought one so I can at least WEAR them with a shirt that isn't black.) Overall it was a good day(:

Went to work with my mom when she taught her class, saw the unintelligent people she has to deal with, but I was on Tumblr the entire time(: And 9gag! It was amazing(:

Now I'm deep cleaning my room (SO not fun. My room looks messier than before I began! But it has to get worse before it gets better. I like how it's coming along.

I'm going to get back to it.

Stay Beautiful(:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring Break: Day One

Today, Sunday, we went to a car show. It was awesome! So many old cars and trucks...I saw so many models of trucks that I LOVE and WANT!

I also found a TON of paint jobs that I loved too!!

I ended up taking a nap when I got home, and missed church because I slept through the time I left. I'm quite disappointed that I missed it, but I don't think I could have dealt with all the little kids. So maybe it was all for good.

Well, we'll see what tomorrow brings us! Maybe I can go shopping for my supplies for all my crafts! Gonna DIY my room UP!!!

I'm so ready for this Spring Break.

Stay Beautiful(:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Break 2011: Beginnings

So, I found out that my mom bought me VIP tickets to the Red concert, which gives me early access, meet and greet, a VIP badge AND lanyard!! I'm soooooo happy because I LOVE lanyards! They are my weakness, like belts and jeans and shorts!

I wanted Big Time Rush tickets, but they are SO EXPENSIVE!!!

It's general admission, so guess what me and my mom get to do? USE OUR ELBOWS!!! Yay!! We are going to be at the front RIGHT AT the gate. She said "That's where I usually am. So we'll get there. It only gets scary when they start moshing and pushing." and I said "Cool! I want to mosh for a bit!" and she laughed and said "I wouldn't let you." Too bad:(

I'm SOOOOOO excited!! It's exactly ONE WEEK away!! WOOT WOOT!!!!

Well, I'm going to go back to Tumblr and update my blog MORE. I don't want my followers to think I died.


Stay Beautiful(:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Yes I'm Dead.

Dave Days just tweeted me back.

I said @davedays omg #werejustkids is amazing!! It's awesome to see how far you have come in such a short amount of time!! <3 you so much!!

And then he replied saying @JainaMichelle96 <3 youuuuuohhoh

He's so adorable!!!

I just love my not-so-little Davey boy(:

David Glosser....I'd gloss my lips with David Glosser!! xD

Trent Clark...Travis Clark...omg. Jordan Witzigreuter...Christofer Drew Ingle...I might die.

Anthony and Randy Armstrong...Michael Barnes...Matt Hoopes...Matt Thiessen....I think I'm going to explode.

Fan girling is so easy but yet so tiresome.

Stay Beautiful(:

Body Alterations

I want to alter my body.

Wow that sounds weird. I don't mean like, gauges and weird stuff like that. I mean piercings in my ears and tattoos.

I really want tattoos on my wrist, like a saying or Bible verse that wraps around my wrist like a bracelet, but its in a spiral type fashion. Or two wrist tattoos just on the inside of each wrist. I DEFINITELY want the word LOVE and an infinity sign that connects the L and the E on my left ring finger, and I really think an anchor on the left side of my right hip, you know, right AFTER the bone BEFORE the super fleshy part. I want it to be made out of smaller anchors and have NSN or something cutesy in the middle really little.

I think getting LOVE IS MY WEAPON on my ankle would be cute, but would it be trashy looking? Maybe just another anchor, or another Bible verse or deep song lyric.

I think it would be cool to get something little on that big pad of flesh under your thumb on your hand. That is a CUTE place.

I DEFINITELY want a white-ink tattoo SOMEWHERE. Maybe on my collarbone, and maybe it can say 'this too shall pass' or 'stay beautiful' or 'keep smiling' or 'never giving up'. Something cool like that.

Okay, I'm not going to do this, but getting a quote from Ferris Bueller's Day Off tattoo'd on my ribs would be SO CUTE!! okay, ANYTHING tattoo'd on ribs is cute.

I kind of have an obsession with tattoos. I want to get more than a few!!

PIERCINGS is another thing I want. Ear piercings.

You know the industrial? How it's a bar through skin? Well I want that on my belly button vertically.

And I want a bar through the skin in my lobe under my first piercing. I want a third lobe piercing with tan orbital through the second and third hole. I want this cute 3 stud piercing either right above my tragus or in the flat part of my cartilage. I also want a cuff piercing, and a few regular cartilage piercings on the edge. I think collar bone or hip bone implant piercings would be adorable, but I don't think I will get them.

My mom is worried that if I get tattoos and piercings people will judge me. I beg to differ.

The husband God wants me to have will love me even if my ears are full of metal and my skin has some ink on it.

I think ink is attractive, and think anyone can pull off a tattoo (except sleeve tattoos. Not everyone can make those work.)

So yeah.

That's me. If you didn't expect me to want stuff like this, you're wrong. Tattoos and piercings are cool. I want tattoos and I'm going to get some! As soon as I can.

Even if it's something small.

Stay Beautiful(:

It's Been A Good Day!!

First, my mom bought me tickets to the RED concert coming up in just a few weeks, and she bought the VIP ones so I get to go meet Michael Barnes, Randy and Anthony Armstrong, and Joe Rickard. I'm SO EXCITED!!! I'm going to wear my Until We Have Faces t-shirt until I get a Redvolution tour shirt(: And I'm going to try to snag a wrist band and a lanyard and maybe another epic poster.

Thousand Foot Krutch is now also following me on Twitter!! WOOT WOOT!!!

I really want to see The Ready Set and Nevershoutnever and Relient K in concert, but they aren't coming anywhere near me anytime soon.

The Ready Set is on tour with Breathe Caroline, Ashland High and a bunch of other bands but they aren't coming anywhere NEAR me. They are flying distance, but my mom doesn't think flying is an option. So that's out.

I really need a nice hanger thing for my earrings. Or just to get that decal tree on my wall so I can tape pictures of hot band members to it. And I need to clean my room. And I need to cut some more t-shirts up. And I need to tie-dye and do that cool thing that I found online to t-shirts. Tie-dye three shirts: one to be cool looking, one to cut this cool pattern I made up, and one to practice that skull pattern.

I'm thinking about selling the shirts I cut on Etsy. Do you think people would buy them? I might take pictures of them all sometime and upload them here to see what you guys think. I think they look pretty good, and one of the designs was an original, but after I thought it out and cut it I found similar designs on YouTube while I was looking for inspiration. So it's not totally ORIGINAL but it was totally my idea and wasn't influenced by any of the others.

So yeah. That's my life.

I'm not going to sleep early on school nights anymore. Gonna stay up till 1:00-1:30 baby!! WOOT WOOT!!

Mmmkay I have a Science packet to finish, an English journal to do, and an outfit to put together. Still have at least one hour until I need to THINK about going to bed.

Might be back!!

Gonna be on Twitter and Tumblr alllll night(:

Tweet me: @JainaMichelle96