About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Blogger

Okay, so my little brother has a blog. His posts will not be posted by him for quite a while since he is always so occupied with Team Fortress 2. (It's a video game) So his post will DEFINITLY NEVER be over this length, since I will word them in ways that he would word them. Which will mean they will be two to three sentences long.

My story has been coming along really well in case you were wondering. I am on page 41. I really like it. I think that it's really, really good. Thank you for checking up on my blog. I really appreciate it.


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