About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

100th post???

I believe this is my 100th post. On my dashboard, it says it is. But on my blog, where is shows you the blog archive, it says that its my 93.... so, if it is, yay! If not, oh well. *shrug* Keep coming here!!!!

I'm making two albums on myspace and facebook. They are called School, and Hearts. In School, It's all pictures taken at school. In hearts, it's pictures of different hearts. So check them out! (P.S.) I will post those pics on here too! No worries guys!

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