About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Friday, July 10, 2009

To Sum Up My Summer

My summer has been boring, fun, and crazy all at once. Right now its pretty boring. In less than a month school is going to start and I will officially be a seventh grader. I am so excited for school to begin! I miss all my friends so much, and can't wait to see most of them!! (two will not be there. Josh and AJ. Miss you guys so much!!! Aleese misses you too!!!)
This week has been pretty boring so I won't say anything about it.

Well, that pretty much sums it up! Read my two earlier posts about Colorado and Jordan and Rachyls visit! Thanks for reading! Keep coming!


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