About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


It's officially summer and I am officially 14!! It doesn't feel much different that 13, but I know that will change soon! I have been swimming a bunch, and had the most fun with Emma at the Mesquite pool on the Lazy River!! BEST TIMES EVER!! Cannot wait for Emma and Sam and McCall and Aleese and....everyone to get back from girls camp so we can all hang out again! It was so much fun on the last day of school! We should have another swimming party soon!! Let the planning begin(:
I'm kind of scared for the PRIDE program to be implimented in my school next year. But I know I probably will never get pride because I am very good at getting my work done and bringing supplies to school. I will DEFINITLEY buy HUNDREDS of mechanical pencils! Well, maybe not hundreds, but a bunch! Plus extra lead for me, and classmates in case they run out after a class and need some more. I will buy LOTS of extra lead, and bring regular wooden pencils, just in case someone needs to "borrow" a pencil. (You all know "borrow" doesn't nessesarily mean BORROW. It means, hey, I'm going to SAY I'm going to borrow your pencil, but really mean I am going to use it, "forget" its not mine, and then keep it for myself). Paper is definiley the one supply I just am always running out of. I am too kind and give it away too easily. I think I am just going to get a big binder next year for all my stuff, instead of loose folders to put in my backpack. One big binder for all my notebooks, folders, agendas, band stuff, and important papers. This way, my backpack will be neater. It's already neat, but folders just make my bag heavier and bulkier. I am sick of carrying around a 15 pound backpack! 5 pounds seems more ideal to me.
I have been going to Bookmans a bunch, and getting used books that look brand new for super cheap. Yesterday, I got I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER which got made into a movie, so once I read it I can watch the movie, CRANK which I have already read and own it's sequel GLASS so I know what happens in it, but I am guessing there's more stuff in it than GLASS mentioned, so I'm excited to read that. I also got my 2nd forensic mystery book by Elane Ferguson-- CIRCLE OF BLOOD. I have THE ANGEL OF DEATH, and I read it and thoroughly enjoyed it, and now all I need to complete my Elane Ferguson Forensic Mystery book collection is THE CHRISTOPHER KILLER. I love reading and am currently reading a decent sized book (558 pages)called GONE by Michael Grant. It is really good, and is going to be a 6 book series. The books go GONE, HUNGER, LIES, PLAGUE, DARKNESS, LIGHT. I am really excited for the last 3 books to come out! The titles might change though, because they probably haven't even been written yet!!
Well, I'm just sitting here at my moms laptop in the living room staring at the words appearing across the screen as my fingers fly across the keys pressing letters, deleting errors as they appear on the screen. I am listening to the click they make as my fingers hit them, and I feel very calm. But then my cat jumps up on the couch behind me, and meows in my ear and ruins my calm. He is now reading over my shoulder as he enjoys doing very much. Sometimes I feel he is the only one who reads this blog, but I know SOMEONE else has to read it out there. I just don't know who, or if they even do. For all I know I'm talking to air and through the story of my life out in the open for space and time to hear. Space and time, the only people who I know for sure read this, hear this blog.
Facebook is my life. My BFF's have facebooks, and I recently used http://pagerage.com to change my facebook background/layout/template to a zebra print. It's sexy(:(: BAHAHA!! I loooovveeee mmmmyyy llliiifffeee right now!!! Text mehh if you have my number. If you don't, too bad. Ask me for it or get it from one of my friends. I'm bored and still watching letters fly across the screen in this NEW BLOG POST box. I wonder if my words feel trapped until I post them and get them out to the world for anyone to see. Can words feel emotion? I feel emotion when I read words. Words are filled with emotion, but can they feel what they are saying, showing? It is an interesting thought.
I miss you Emma(: Can't wait for you to get back from Girls Camp (:(: Love these pics of us(:(:

Guess what readers? ITS PHOTOSHOOT TIME!!! Look at the pics from me and Emma's Photo Shoot at the 2 Story park (with one exception that was taken in school in Journalism class...)!! BEST PICS EVER!!!!

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