About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sweat Shirt Design Ideas

Here's one idea with numbers but no TIGERS...

Same design, no numbers, but a TIGERS in the numbers place...

Comment, TEAM POPKEN members, or even non-members, to tell me what you think.

The boys' jackets would have BLACK sleeves.

PRICES: No matter what the size, the price is always $38.49. plus a tax of $5.99, so we need to decide if the jackets are worth it or if we should just make our own...with these there would be no extra splattering of paint or tie-dying. So we need to decide by the end of the week. Thank for all your help STEVEN!! and M-swizzayy!!!

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