About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gunther Von Hagens' BODY WORLDS

I had the opportunity to go see Body Worlds at the Arizona Science Center yesterday, where they use real bodies and real organs by the process of plastination to teach people about the human body. They put the cadavers (bodies) into real life poses to show how the different muscles help you. It was so much fun seeing all the muscles and organs, especially the brain and heart, and the section about the fetus and how a baby grows. They even had a female specimen with a black lung from smoking, and a baby inside of her!! It was cool, but also sad. Seeing all the young, fit bodies made me wonder how they died. None of them had any signs of trauma, so it made me wonder if they had any diseases, or if they were poisoned, or something else.

I went with my mom, and she told me more about the organs, and helped me to understand certain things about each one. She even had me point out different organs in the bodies without her help, and she says I did very well, and will make a very good medical examiner when I grow up.

Yesterday was such a fun day, and even though I had to miss Disney Land with my band, It was worth it!! I'm just glad I could spend my day with my mom(:(:

Especially joking about how small asian men are XD

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