About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Summer Camp 2011 This Beautiful Mess

Was a blast!! I had tons of fun playing Hillbilly Nightmare, Megabox (and slip and sliding;)) and The Great Race where I had ice cream, chocolate syrup and strawberry syrup dumped on my head and eaten off XD I was super happy!!

I made lots of friends, and missed the ones I had to leave behind for the 5 days;)

Today I hung out with my best friend Aleese!! I had tons of fun, and made her watch Shane Dawson's Douchebag video:) She quoted it later in the night while I was texting!! "You think that he will change, but he'll just stay the same...." "CUZ YOUR FALLING FOR DOUCHEBAG BABY!!! I'm so proud of you Aleese;)"

We went to the park and took amazing pictures, and put poop bags on our heads;) And posed next to the sewer!! WE ARE SO COOL!!

I can't wait to hang out with that chick again!!

On Sunday we are going to a Diamond Backs game, and Monday, eeaarrllyy morning, and leave for Iowa!! I'm excited, but kinda not to leave everyone behind lol! At least I will have my phone, Zune, and laptop with me!! YAYAYAYA!!!

Well, I better go!!

I just ordered a new pair of jeans and a necklace from HotTopic, and it is being sent to my soon-to-be inlaws house lol;)

Well, I am going to go now! Go start packing aanndd clean my room. BYE!!

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