Sunday, November 30, 2008
Facts about me
So you can see why some of it might be confusing, since you are on my blog, and it's saying comment for my blog address, but, now you understand!
Jaina Cullen.....Hale......Popken
Thanksgiving break
I saw Twilight my SECOND time on Friday. It was still AMAZINGLY good! And Edward wasn't the only hot one on there. When Victoria said I'm the one with the wicked curve ball, and then Jasper said, Oh I think we can handle that, Jasper looked SO HOTT! I will try to find a picture of him in that scene. I had a long post, but then it deleted it while I was still typing! So I put all that I could remember down, but it is DEFINITELY not what it is supposed to be. It's not as good, so I'm sorry for that. Though you wouldn't know. Well, I'm going to go find that picture. IWPL! (I will post later.) See ya!
*Jaina Cullen (Popken)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I have a message for Josh, who was mad because I didn't him in my Awesome Friends thingy so here it is...
I don't have a picture of you, so It's not possible to put you in there, but look at that blog again on the bottom, and see if there is anything different there.
So, you want to see Edward in a suit? Here he is!
He doesn't have the suit jacket on, but he still looks hot! Comment what you think!
Monday, November 17, 2008
C'mon people! I know you have stuff you want to say about my blogs!!!!
And if people aren't looking, that's weird. Because I posted a bulletin on myspace, and sent a message through e-mail. So if you saw/got one of those, then please comment on one of my posts!
Thank you all, and please comment on my posts.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
My scary story
Spooky House
Will you survive the battle? Or chicken out?
“Calem, hurry up. I can’t wait all day.” Danny yelled at Calem from the front lawn. They were getting ready to spy on Hailey, Danny’s next door neighbor, to see what she did when they called her to tell her what they were doing that day. She said that she reluctantly got ready, but as Calem always said,
“I highly doubt that she ‘reluctantly’ gets ready. She is always waiting for us when we get there. I swear she rushes to see us.” So you can see why they were suspicious.
“I’m here! Just cool it. There’s no WAY I’d miss this once-in-a-life-time-opportunity.”
“Yeah, well let's gets going Calem! I don’t want to miss this.”
“You won’t! I mean, we’re going to call her aren’t we?”
“Yes. But still, you know that this is important. I will finally know if Hailey likes me. I’ve been wondering since 3rd grade.”
“Yeah, well she doesn’t like you. It’s me she likes.” Calem smiled, and walked with a little more confidence at the thought that Hailey liked him.
“No way dude. Everyone knows that she likes ME, and has always liked me since Kindergarten.”
“Okay, she liked Daemond Montez in Kindergarten Calem. Not you.”
“Yeah, well in 3rd grade she liked Jason DuBello. AND she STILL likes him. Her screen saver is his school picture. So apparently she LOOOOOOOOOOVES him.”
“No she doesn’t. She just…is best friends with him.” Danny started get that look in his eye, that meant, don’t say anything else.
“Well, let’s let it drop, because we’re here.” Calem looked at Danny, and smiled evilly.
“Let’s do this.” Danny grabbed his cell phone, and they tip-toed very quickly up to her window. They dialed the phone number, and looked in.
But, then, they screamed, and ‘Hailey’ looked at them, and screamed. But not a human screech, it wasn’t anything like that at all. It was a creature like no other. It was green with a long tail, and huge scales on its back. It had red eyes, and red spots. It drooled all over the place, and the drool was blue. It was nothing like they had ever seen before, and probably ever would again.
TWO: Blue Drool and Red Hot, Hot Tamales
“Oh. My. God. Hailey’s a monster???” Calem whispered very quietly. Almost inaudible.
“You know, I don’t really like Hailey anymore.” Danny was freaking out majorly. He was trembling all over. Especially in his arms and legs and his teeth, which were chattering like crazy.
“Well I still like her. Even if she’ll kill me.”
“So that’s why she was always gone during our movie nights. She was always gone from
“But one thing doesn’t make sense.”
“What is it Calem? We don’t have much time! She’s changing back to her normal self to answer her phone.”
“She would come out and tell us that she would only be a couple minutes, then she’d watch another movie, then say she needed fresh air. A half hour later, she would return saying that she needed to throw up. That she’d had too much fresh air. But, within thirty seconds, she’d come out. Saying that she was better. How can a human girl throw up in under thirty seconds. It takes a whole minute just to recover.”
“Maybe she wasn’t human then. Maybe she was still- oh hi Hailey!”
“Hey guys! What’s up? Why are you calling this late at night?” She said into the phone.
“Um, we wanted to tell you all about out new mission.”
“So, team
“Didn’t Ailey die a year ago?”
“No. She didn’t die. She just disappeared.” Hailey giggled. Danny and Calem exchanged glances, both thinking the same thing. She didn’t disappear, she was killed by Hailey.
“I’m going to tell our newest member that joined the club yesterday. He is Ashton Bellington.”
“Ashton?” Danny exclaimed.
“Bellington?” Calem sounded horrified.
“But he’s a fraidy cat! He got scared at my Halloween scary story. And it wasn’t even that scary!”
“Um, Calem. It WAS really scary! I even got scared. Danny too. That was the scariest story you told in the past, what, ten years?”
“Yeah Calem, it WAS pretty scary.”
“Okay, fine. It scared me too, and I was the one telling it! But still, he shouldn’t have gotten so scared that he ran out of the room screaming like a madman. You know they took him to the crazy house because he kept seeing this weird monster?” Calem laughed but stopped as he remembered what Ashton’s description of the monster was. Green, tall, slimy. Red eyes and spots. Big scales rising from its back like volcanoes ready to erupt at any given second. And it’s drool. Its drool the same blue as the sky in the afternoon on a cloudless day. Sounded exactly like what they just saw. Ashton didn’t sound so crazy anymore.
“Okay, so what’s the mission for team
“Well, you know that house on the end of
“You mean spooky house?”
“Yeah. That’s the one. We are going to spend the night in Spooky House, on Friday the thirteenth! But, we HAVE to stay up. And if that place is really truly haunted, then I bet we won’t have any trouble staying up.” Calem lowered his voice to make is spookier.
“Friday the THIRTEENTH???” Hailey sounded scared considering she was a monster. Or was it all just an act?
“Yeah. Is there a problem?” Danny said teasingly.
“No. It’s just so brilliant! I don’t know why I didn’t think of it!”
“So does that mean your in?”
“But, there’s just one problem.”
“What is it?” Calem asked. Danny’s eyes grew big. He knew what was coming.
“You know.”
“Know what?
“You know what.”
“I know WHAT?”
“About me.”
“What about you?”
“You know I’m not human.”
“What are you talking about Hailey? You’re human. You’re talking to me, so I know you’re human.”
“Yeah, well look through my window again Calem.”
“But I’m at my house. How can I see you?”
“I know that you’re outside my window. I know you saw me as a Cobble. Just admit it Calem. Danny is hopeless now. He’s my victim.”
“Victim of what?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“Tell me gosh darn it!”
“Let’s just say, the mortician won’t be able to identify him. It’ll be like he fell into a blender, and fell asleep. Forever.” She laughed evilly. Calem hung up the phone, and left the frozen in terror Danny under Hailey’s window. He looked back at him, and when he turned back around to run, Hailey was right in front of him. He gasped, and she laughed, and picked him up. By the throat.
“I know what I’m going to do to you.” She said. Blowing in his face. Her breath reeked of rotting corpses. She laughed again.
What is with all these bad guys laughing all the time?
Calem thought. But just then, Hailey knocked him out. Next thing he knew, he was awake in a house. And old house. He was dangling above a hot lava bowl, being lowered. He tried to wriggle out, but it was no use. The material he was wrapped up in was really strong. He screamed, but he couldn’t hear himself. It was completely silent in the room. He started to panic, and then, had an idea.
Facts About Me
Fact: I have never broken a bone in my body.
Fact: I still have my purity, and I wear my Purity ring everyday to symbolize my Purity. Purity means that I have not kissed a guy yet.
Fact: I have two emails.
Fact: I do not like to play video games all day. I much prefer reading.
Fact: I have many scars on my shins to prove how tough I am.
Fact: When I was a kid, I always got hurt, and I didn't care.
Fact: When I was a kid, I got run over by a toy wagon, and bled badly, and I didn't cry.
Fact: I've cried much more in the past year than I ever did when I was young. (it's the changes I'm going through to become a woman)
Fact: I am a fashion freak, but at the same time converse, a long tee shirt, and jeans sounds great to me. (and it's not even a shirt that I'd wear to walmart.l et alone school.)
Fact: Though I may seem like a super girly girl, I really am not as much of one as you'd think.
Fact: There are a lot of facts on here.
Fact: I have never cut my hair. I just trim off the dead ends.
Fact: I am more of a bookworm than you'd think.
Fact: I spend more time listening to music and reading, than I do in front of the TV.
Fact: I love bands that most people never heard of. Like Relient K, and Lucky Boys Confusion.
Fact: I think I could get a record deal easy.
Fact: I think I could become an author easy.
Fact: I have the most caring parents ever.
Fact: I have the best friends anyone could ever ask for.
Fact: I need a new camera.
Fact: Christmas is coming fast.
Fact: My birthday is coming faster.
Fact: Halloween passed, and I'm almost out of candy.
Fact: I love kitty cats and puppy dogs.
Fact: I play the flute beautifully.
Fact: I used to play the piano.
Fact: I have a blog spot blog.
Fact: I love to read photo comments though I don't get many.
Fact: I barely ever get sick.
As you can see, you didn't know much about me before you read this. But now you do! You know more than most people! If you have any questions, please just comment on the blog. Like if you want to know my blog spot blog, send me a comment, and I will post a blog saying what it is. So please add your comments here, and I will make sure to answer them. Thank you!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
My Awesome Fam and friends!
This is one of my BEST friends, Aleese. She knows when I'm upset, mad, or sick. She knows how to make me laugh, and we are practically the same. We've come a long way, and I think we are going to be BFF's for a VERY long time! I love her so much, and I hope we never have to be apart.
My friend Tamara. She's awesome! So funny, and so fun to be around.
Tanner is one of my best guy friends. He's awesome, and gets mad alot. lol. He seems like he's ALWAYS mad!!!
Narissa is my friend. She is awesome and knows how to make me laugh.
This is my friend Katie. We are inseprable when we're together. We know what makes each other like, and we never say, 'I'm bored' when we're around each other, cuz we're too busy laughing out butts off to do so. We met at band camp, and instantly became friends.
This is Camryn. She is an amazing friend, and is so much fun to be around. She can make you laugh like you've never laughed before, and we've had so much laughs it's unbelievable.
This is Kaitlyn. She's so sweet and funny, it's unbelievable.
This is Brittany. We also met at band camp, and we can laugh at nothing at all. We became best of friends right away, and keep in touch through myspace, and texting. Thank you cell phones!!!
Family Pics!!!!
(left to right) Rachyl, Jaina, Justus Jordan.
My daddy
My little cousin Laikyn. (so cute!)
Aunt Lisa and Alexis
I'm sorry Josh, your pic won't send from my phone! But I'll keep trying! Just know, that your/he is supposed to be on here. I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!
I have much more family and friends, but these are the pics I could get a hand on in such a short amount of time. I hope you enjoyed this! Bye!
Heat n Sweet
It was AWESOME!!!!
My friend Kierstynn was there, and we went on the hay ride twice, and we fed and pet some horses, (we fed them hay) The horses were HUGE!!!! One nibbled my hand. It was all slimy and weird... So I went back to bon fire, and roasted marshmellows. Me and Kierstynn threw my mini football back and forth, and then we hung out with some people. Namely Savannah and two boys. They were kinda on the cute side, but too quiet to tell their personality. There was one guy that was cute, but obnoxious, and weird...that was a negative. But it was fun. We got pie, and when I tasted the crust, I told Kierstynn it was gross, and then she tried it, and also said it was gross. Then she had to go to the bathroom, but all there was were PORT A POTTYS!!!!!!! So she looked in it, and there was a urinal, and it was DIRTY!!!!! And then, just to make sure nothing jumped out at her, she lifted the lid, and then gagged, looked away, shut it, went out of it, shuddered, and then we started laughing. So we went, and we fed the horses some more, and went to the bonfire just to hang and talk. Everybody left pretty fast. But we stayed with Savannah and the two boys who I do not know their names. My phone died, so I really didn't have any access to anyone besides the people at the heat n sweet, but I liked it that way. We avoided Kierstynns annoying neighbor, and had fun on the hay ride. We even made an inside joke there. It's just Wheaties!!!! And we have our IT jokes, and so many more. You would HAVE to hang with us, then you'd have an inside joke! We are like BFF's! I see her alot, and we live close by, and I can ride my bike to her neighborhood, so when she's outside, we can hang. It's pretty awesome. She goes to my bible study so it's even sweeter. We are pimps. (lol. Another inside joke) and though we get bored, we are never bored. In a way. You would know if you knew her. We both are so much alike, we could be sisters. And I wouldn't mind that. ;)
My hand hurts because stupid hay stabbed it when I slipped on a hay bail because it shifted underneath me, and I caught myself with my hand. I have three holes in my hand, and they are in a straight line diagonal from eachother.
We got poked in places that I wish didn't get poked, and we had some good laughs and made memories that will last a life time. I hope that I can get this new Instant Messaging thing so we can IM each other, no matter where we go! I also want it for some of my other friends, so we can keep in touch better. Its called Im Me. (please look it up on Amazon mommy! I want you to see it! Then go and look for it! I REALLY want it!)
Well, I'd better go. I will post later. So bye!
P.S- isn't christmas coming fast???
Before I know it, I'm going to be a teenager!
I can't wait!
When I'm 13, my weekends are going to be filled with hanging out with my friends! (unless I still have flute lessons then. Then it will be in the afternoons at the mall. :} :)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Ugh..... side effects suck.
Anyway, I got my shots. They were Tdap, and Meningitus. (idk how to spell that) And I got the rare side effects of the Tdap shot. Ugh. I missed half a day of school, and now a full day. I'm stuck at home with a fever, and I hope to have a perfect afternoon. Though it seems impossible. I'm going to ask my daddy if I can get dressed so I feel less sick. Though I'm sweating like crazy, and have a fever, I feel fine. But because of my fever, I have to stay home. As long as we have out big TV on, and our DirecTV working, and there's food in the house, and it's light outside, and there's good shows on TV, I'm fine. lol. I just hope my Saturday is better. *sigh* I miss Aleese SOOO darn much. If you're reading this Aleese, I just want you to know, that I wish that I could've come to school today, but my temperature just went up so FAST, it was UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! I hope David and Caleb and Dennis and Josh didn't give you any trouble. They usually bother us when we're on the field. lol. They're just jerks sometimes. Well, really all the time. lol. Well, I hope to see you Monday. I miss you alot!