About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Facts About Me

Fact: I am certainly NOT self conscience.
Fact: I have never broken a bone in my body.
Fact: I still have my purity, and I wear my Purity ring everyday to symbolize my Purity. Purity means that I have not kissed a guy yet.
Fact: I have two emails.
Fact: I do not like to play video games all day. I much prefer reading.
Fact: I have many scars on my shins to prove how tough I am.
Fact: When I was a kid, I always got hurt, and I didn't care.
Fact: When I was a kid, I got run over by a toy wagon, and bled badly, and I didn't cry.
Fact: I've cried much more in the past year than I ever did when I was young. (it's the changes I'm going through to become a woman)
Fact: I am a fashion freak, but at the same time converse, a long tee shirt, and jeans sounds great to me. (and it's not even a shirt that I'd wear to walmart.l et alone school.)
Fact: Though I may seem like a super girly girl, I really am not as much of one as you'd think.
Fact: There are a lot of facts on here.
Fact: I have never cut my hair. I just trim off the dead ends.
Fact: I am more of a bookworm than you'd think.
Fact: I spend more time listening to music and reading, than I do in front of the TV.
Fact: I love bands that most people never heard of. Like Relient K, and Lucky Boys Confusion.
Fact: I think I could get a record deal easy.
Fact: I think I could become an author easy.
Fact: I have the most caring parents ever.
Fact: I have the best friends anyone could ever ask for.
Fact: I need a new camera.
Fact: Christmas is coming fast.
Fact: My birthday is coming faster.
Fact: Halloween passed, and I'm almost out of candy.
Fact: I love kitty cats and puppy dogs.
Fact: I play the flute beautifully.
Fact: I used to play the piano.
Fact: I have a blog spot blog.
Fact: I love to read photo comments though I don't get many.
Fact: I barely ever get sick.

As you can see, you didn't know much about me before you read this. But now you do! You know more than most people! If you have any questions, please just comment on the blog. Like if you want to know my blog spot blog, send me a comment, and I will post a blog saying what it is. So please add your comments here, and I will make sure to answer them. Thank you!

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