About Me

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I am a 16 year old girl, and bands have literally ruined my life in the most beautiful way. I always have a concert I am looking forward to. I don't have a lot of friends, because I prefer to keep to myself mostly. Stay sassy.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Heat n Sweet

So I went to our churches Heat n sweet tonight.

It was AWESOME!!!!

My friend Kierstynn was there, and we went on the hay ride twice, and we fed and pet some horses, (we fed them hay) The horses were HUGE!!!! One nibbled my hand. It was all slimy and weird... So I went back to bon fire, and roasted marshmellows. Me and Kierstynn threw my mini football back and forth, and then we hung out with some people. Namely Savannah and two boys. They were kinda on the cute side, but too quiet to tell their personality. There was one guy that was cute, but obnoxious, and weird...that was a negative. But it was fun. We got pie, and when I tasted the crust, I told Kierstynn it was gross, and then she tried it, and also said it was gross. Then she had to go to the bathroom, but all there was were PORT A POTTYS!!!!!!! So she looked in it, and there was a urinal, and it was DIRTY!!!!! And then, just to make sure nothing jumped out at her, she lifted the lid, and then gagged, looked away, shut it, went out of it, shuddered, and then we started laughing. So we went, and we fed the horses some more, and went to the bonfire just to hang and talk. Everybody left pretty fast. But we stayed with Savannah and the two boys who I do not know their names. My phone died, so I really didn't have any access to anyone besides the people at the heat n sweet, but I liked it that way. We avoided Kierstynns annoying neighbor, and had fun on the hay ride. We even made an inside joke there. It's just Wheaties!!!! And we have our IT jokes, and so many more. You would HAVE to hang with us, then you'd have an inside joke! We are like BFF's! I see her alot, and we live close by, and I can ride my bike to her neighborhood, so when she's outside, we can hang. It's pretty awesome. She goes to my bible study so it's even sweeter. We are pimps. (lol. Another inside joke) and though we get bored, we are never bored. In a way. You would know if you knew her. We both are so much alike, we could be sisters. And I wouldn't mind that. ;)

My hand hurts because stupid hay stabbed it when I slipped on a hay bail because it shifted underneath me, and I caught myself with my hand. I have three holes in my hand, and they are in a straight line diagonal from eachother.

We got poked in places that I wish didn't get poked, and we had some good laughs and made memories that will last a life time. I hope that I can get this new Instant Messaging thing so we can IM each other, no matter where we go! I also want it for some of my other friends, so we can keep in touch better. Its called Im Me. (please look it up on Amazon mommy! I want you to see it! Then go and look for it! I REALLY want it!)

Well, I'd better go. I will post later. So bye!

P.S- isn't christmas coming fast???

Before I know it, I'm going to be a teenager!

I can't wait!

When I'm 13, my weekends are going to be filled with hanging out with my friends! (unless I still have flute lessons then. Then it will be in the afternoons at the mall. :} :)


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